the 24 best books I’ve read for personal development

In my early 20’s, I came across the idea of personal development. I’d never heard this term before, but witnessed other women in business leaning into “personal development” time, as they called it. Every day, early in the morning and often late at night, I read for both fun and personal development. I’ll also listen to podcasts and watch YouTube, but reading is my favorite method of personal development.

If you’re looking to grow, intentional personal development time could benefit you this year. I recommend setting aside time daily, perhaps at the same time that you journal or before your workout. Try to get through a chapter or 10 pages at minimum everyday. Here are my top personal development book recommendations from the past 10 years. I’ve tried to separate them into categories based on what area you’re hoping to grow. Enjoy!

Mental Health Reads

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, PhD

This book is a game changer for transforming your life, leadership, relationships, and parenting. Written by a therapist and researcher on vulnerability, shame, and emotions, Brené Brown explains difficult concepts (like vulnerability) in a very approachable and applicable way. I’ve since read all of Brené’s books, but I encourage you to start here if you’re unfamiliar with her research.

How to Do The Work by Nicole LePera, PhD

For someone who has experienced trauma or who is looking to shift patterns in your life, this book is incredible (and a lot of the content is free on Dr. Nicole’s social media accounts too!). This one will forever change the way you view healing and mental wellness. It’s practical, offering loads of tools for your journey. You can also buy the accompanying workbook.

Boundaries by Henry Cloud, PhD and John Townsend, PhD

I’m a huge fan of all the Boundaries books — there’s a lot of them! I recommend these books to clients often. If you struggle with relationships, saying no, people pleasing, and boundary setting, start here! Dr. Cloud also has several great leadership and business books.

First, We Make the Beast Beautiful by Sarah Wilson

This is your go-to for anxiety and panic. This book is part memoir, part helpful tools. It will change the way you view and experience anxiety. My writer friend, Hannah Brencher, introduced me to this book, and I’m so thankful she did.

Codependent No More by Melanie Beattie

Have you lost sight of yourself? Do you struggle with chronic people pleasing? In addition to the Boundaries books, I highly recommend Codependent No More. It’s packed with tools and practical information to stop people pleasing.

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, MD

Every therapist has read this book in our trauma courses (and for good reason!). It’s informative, pioneering, and transformative in the field of trauma healing. It’s a dense read, more like a textbook than a “how to” book, but the information inside is powerful for any one who has experienced trauma.

Addiction and Grace by Gerald May, MD

Recommended by RJ. This book offers a hope–filled vision for those exploring who and what they really are. It examines the "processes of attachment" that lead to addiction and describes the relationship between addiction and spiritual awareness. This book changed the way both RJ and I view addiction entirely as licensed counselors. Note: It’s not only about drug or substance addiction, but also performance and work addiction, intimacy addiction, and more. Perfect for an anxious achiever!

Personal Development Reads

Visioneering by Andy Stanley

I read this book on vision casting in my early 20s, and it set the stage for discovering God’s vision for my life — both at home and work. I’d recommend this if you’re struggling with vision or purpose.

The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz

I read this short book a year ago after buying it in the Minnesota airport. It took only a few days to read, but was full of transformational ideas. It offers a powerful, mindset shift focused on limiting beliefs, habits, and rules to life based on wisdom of the ancient Toltec.

Atomic Habits by James Clear

For anyone looking to change your life through the power of habits, or for those who struggle with sticking to habits. This book is full of practical strategies, and I have friends who read it every single year!

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Speaking of books to read annually, I read this book every January. I’m also currently paying my teenage stepdaughter to read it. This book has changed my life multiple times over. It’s great wisdom for relationships, life, and business.

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

A book to help you solve problems and become more effective in your life overall. I’ve read this book several times over the past 10 years and takeaway new nuggets of wisdom every single time.

The Seven Principles for Making a Marriage Work by John Gottman, PhD

I had to throw in one relationship book, written by one of the most well-known marriage therapists and researchers, Dr. John Gottman. This book will guide you and your spouse on the path of a lasting-relationship.

Untamed by Glennon Doyle

The theme of this book is to inwardly find yourself and live “untamed” by shedding the expectations and “cages” surrounding us, especially as women. This is a powerful memoir of finding your voice and power.

The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg

Another great book on habits. This book focuses more on business and leadership habits. It’s a great read for all leaders who want to go further faster.

Mindsight by Dan Siegel, MD

Another RJ recommendation. This is a science-backed personal development book on habits and personal transformation. It dives into scientific studies on the brain and psychotherapy to help you live a better life.

Faith Reads

Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster

Also file this under “Books I ready every year.” This book is the go-to guidebook for decades on Christian spirituality. Read this if you want to dive deeper into the spiritual disciplines

Fighting Forward by Hannah Brencher

This book was written by my wise friend, Hannah Brencher, on overcoming anxiety and fear. She shares personal stories of developing daily rhythms and sustainable faith in a culture of hustle. This book is great for those looking for faith-based mental health books.

Searching for Sunday by Rachel Held Evans

Are you struggling to connect with your church community? Do you find yourself questioning the core beliefs that you once held dear? This book is helpful to anyone who might feel frustrated with “church”. It’s a beautifully written journey on leaving and finding the church.

Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero

RJ shared this book with me several years ago, and I love that it combines developing spiritual maturity with emotional maturity. Another blending of faith and mental health. This book will help you live an authentic and healthy life in Christ, while exploring topics like conflict avoidance, anger, fear, and boundaries.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People by Harold Kushner

This book was a required read for my graduate program in counseling and faith-integrations class. A go-to for anyone struggling with life’s most difficult questions on suffering and walking through times of sorrow and grief.

Tired of Trying to Measure Up by Jeff VanVonderen

A great read if you find it difficult to rest, burdened by expectations, comparison, and rules that drain you emotionally and spiritually. I also read this book during graduate school, and it helped bring freedom from hustling and living according to other’s standards.

Business Reads

Start with Why by Simon Sinek

This is a book for any leader on discovering purpose. Your why is your purpose, mission, and driver for all successful endeavors, and this book is helpful for anyone at any stage of your career or business venture.

The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy

This books is also about habits and building habits overtime that compound. It explains how the choices we make each day influence and drive our outcomes. This book is for anyone looking for more success in life, relationships, and work.

There you have it! The 24 top books I’ve read for personal development (and enjoyed!). Every single morning, I read (some days I get through 10 pages and other mornings I can’t stop reading). These books have helped me to determine my life vision and succeed in life, wellness, business, and relationships. Enjoy!

2024 Honorable Mention

The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber

One of the top business books I read in 2024, “The E-Myth” discusses the roles of the Technician, Manager, and Entrepreneur and how balancing these roles is essential for successfully scaling a business. It provides insights into creating systems-dependent businesses rather than founder-dependent businesses. I recommend in all of my consultation and coaching.

Thanks for reading! Want more writings and resources? 

Here are a few blog posts you might enjoy: 

001. Read me if you need help vision casting personally OR relationally

002. Read me if you're struggling with anxiety

003. Read me when you feel too stressed to delegate (but know you need to!)

004. Join the weekly newsletter for resources, essays, and encouragement.

Disclaimer: This blog is not intended to substitute professional therapeutic advice. Although I’m a mental health professional, no content on this site, regardless of date, should ever be used as a substitute for direct professional advice from your doctor or other qualified clinician. Talk with your healthcare provider about your health concerns and before starting or stopping therapies or treatment recommendations.

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